For sequence generation, both autoregressive models and non-autoregressive models have been developed in recent years. Autoregressive models can achieve high generation quality, but the sequential decoding scheme causes slow decoding speed. Non-autoregressive models accelerate the inference speed with parallel decoding, while their generation quality still needs to be improved due to the difficulty of modeling multi-modalities in data. To address the multi-modality issue, we propose Diff-Glat, a non-autoregressive model featured with a modality diffusion process and residual glancing training. The modality diffusion process decomposes the modalities and reduces the modalities to learn for each transition. And the residual glancing sampling further smooths the modality learning procedures. Experiments demonstrate that, without using knowledge distillation data, Diff-Glat can achieve superior performance in both decoding efficiency and accuracy compared with the autoregressive Transformer.
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Current practice in interpretable machine learning often focuses on explaining the final model trained from data, e.g., by using the Shapley additive explanations (SHAP) method. The recently developed Shapley variable importance cloud (ShapleyVIC) extends the current practice to a group of "nearly optimal models" to provide comprehensive and robust variable importance assessments, with estimated uncertainty intervals for a more complete understanding of variable contributions to predictions. ShapleyVIC was initially developed for applications with traditional regression models, and the benefits of ShapleyVIC inference have been demonstrated in real-life prediction tasks using the logistic regression model. However, as a model-agnostic approach, ShapleyVIC application is not limited to such scenarios. In this work, we extend ShapleyVIC implementation for machine learning models to enable wider applications, and propose it as a useful complement to the current SHAP analysis to enable more trustworthy applications of these black-box models.
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The role of mobile cameras increased dramatically over the past few years, leading to more and more research in automatic image quality enhancement and RAW photo processing. In this Mobile AI challenge, the target was to develop an efficient end-to-end AI-based image signal processing (ISP) pipeline replacing the standard mobile ISPs that can run on modern smartphone GPUs using TensorFlow Lite. The participants were provided with a large-scale Fujifilm UltraISP dataset consisting of thousands of paired photos captured with a normal mobile camera sensor and a professional 102MP medium-format FujiFilm GFX100 camera. The runtime of the resulting models was evaluated on the Snapdragon's 8 Gen 1 GPU that provides excellent acceleration results for the majority of common deep learning ops. The proposed solutions are compatible with all recent mobile GPUs, being able to process Full HD photos in less than 20-50 milliseconds while achieving high fidelity results. A detailed description of all models developed in this challenge is provided in this paper.
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Learning on Graphs (LoG) is widely used in multi-client systems when each client has insufficient local data, and multiple clients have to share their raw data to learn a model of good quality. One scenario is to recommend items to clients with limited historical data and sharing similar preferences with other clients in a social network. On the other hand, due to the increasing demands for the protection of clients' data privacy, Federated Learning (FL) has been widely adopted: FL requires models to be trained in a multi-client system and restricts sharing of raw data among clients. The underlying potential data-sharing conflict between LoG and FL is under-explored and how to benefit from both sides is a promising problem. In this work, we first formulate the Graph Federated Learning (GFL) problem that unifies LoG and FL in multi-client systems and then propose sharing hidden representation instead of the raw data of neighbors to protect data privacy as a solution. To overcome the biased gradient problem in GFL, we provide a gradient estimation method and its convergence analysis under the non-convex objective. In experiments, we evaluate our method in classification tasks on graphs. Our experiment shows a good match between our theory and the practice.
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Multimodal machine translation (MMT) aims to improve translation quality by incorporating information from other modalities, such as vision. Previous MMT systems mainly focus on better access and use of visual information and tend to validate their methods on image-related datasets. These studies face two challenges. First, they can only utilize triple data (bilingual texts with images), which is scarce; second, current benchmarks are relatively restricted and do not correspond to realistic scenarios. Therefore, this paper correspondingly establishes new methods and new datasets for MMT. First, we propose a framework 2/3-Triplet with two new approaches to enhance MMT by utilizing large-scale non-triple data: monolingual image-text data and parallel text-only data. Second, we construct an English-Chinese {e}-commercial {m}ulti{m}odal {t}ranslation dataset (including training and testing), named EMMT, where its test set is carefully selected as some words are ambiguous and shall be translated mistakenly without the help of images. Experiments show that our method is more suitable for real-world scenarios and can significantly improve translation performance by using more non-triple data. In addition, our model also rivals various SOTA models in conventional multimodal translation benchmarks.
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Is it possible to leverage large scale raw and raw parallel corpora to build a general learned metric? Existing learned metrics have gaps to human judgements, are model-dependent or are limited to the domains or tasks where human ratings are available. In this paper, we propose SEScore2, a model-based metric pretrained over million-scale synthetic dataset constructed by our novel retrieval augmented data synthesis pipeline. SEScore2 achieves high correlation to human judgements without any human rating supervisions. Importantly, our unsupervised SEScore2 can outperform supervised metrics, which are trained on the News human ratings, at the TED domain. We evaluate SEScore2 over four text generation tasks across three languages. SEScore2 outperforms all prior unsupervised evaluation metrics in machine translation, speech translation, data-to-text and dialogue generation, with average Kendall improvements 0.158. SEScore2 even outperforms SOTA supervised BLEURT at data-to-text, dialogue generation and overall correlation.
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